Jana Semrau

@Miraz Thank you ๐Ÿ’š I will tell our landlady that we are not the only ones who appreciate natural gardening ๐Ÿ˜

@numericcitizen I enjoyed the interview very much. Very insightful for me as a non-tech person. I liked how you both talked about various topics around Apple, developers, Micro.blog, blogging in general, other providers, the social web and even legacy etc. in a very unexcited and relaxed way. My impression is that many people often have very strong opinions on these topics. It is then often not easy for a "normal" user like me to recognize the signal in the noise of the general excitement. Great & thanks to you for sharing your views and experiences!

@sod ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜… Yes, you never know when voluntary training will pay off.

@jean Such a beautiful photo! These memories are a real treasure.

@V_ @klagefall Dankeschรถn ๐Ÿ’š Ich finde, dass wir viel mehr Aufmersamkeit auf das richten sollten, was uns Menschen verbinden kann und nicht auf das, was uns vermeintlich trennt.